Archive for March, 2008

A Steady Roar

By Terence Witt

By the end of January, Our Undiscovered Universe had been shipped to 20 countries; a month and a half later it has reached 30 countries. I’m not sure how to explain the explosive growth of this book, but it’s as if some conceptual dam is starting to break open. I think the dull, listless monotone of string theory and big bang revisionism, droning on over the last few decades, has blunted peoples’ interest in solutions to the big questions. No one had any reason to be waiting for a book like Our Undiscovered Universe, or to imagine that a book like it was even possible. So the surprise of reading a book like this, I think, translates into infectuous enthusiasm, which spreads like wildfire. I will never tire of hearing from readers who were utterly convinced that there was “nothing new under the sun”, and got knocked out of their chairs by Our Undiscovered Universe.